Foiled Again!

To use my wife’s expression again, I was completely foiled in my attempt to capture a sunrise on my trip out shooting last week. When I woke up and crawled out of the truck, the heavy cloud cover and rain made it pretty clear I wasn’t going to get much of a show from the sun. While I was a little bummed that this was the second time I’d been to this location recently and not seen a sunrise, I wasn’t letting it get me down. Overcast and cloudy weather are still great for shooting, you just have to look for the right subject matter. Waterfalls and any other kinds flowing water are excellent in this kind of light, and are a favourite subject of mine to shoot, so I decided that’s what I would set out to find. On my last trip out a couple weeks back, I spent some time at Nigel Creek and left feeling like I had much more to explore there, so I decided to head back that way and see what I could find. I went to check out the area of the creek up above Panther Falls, and spotted this little waterfall from the road. It was only a short hike down and quite a nice little spot. I spent a couple hours here making several different images and I think I like this one the best.

One thought on “Foiled Again!

  1. Pingback: What to Shoot? – Ian McGillvrey Photography

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