This week’s photo is another shot from my trip to Abraham Lake last week. As I mentioned in my last post, the wind here was pretty intense, and we spent the whole day shooting straight into it. For those of you reading Wayne’s blog as well, he wasn’t exaggerating at all when he said that I couldn’t see at the end of the day. With the wind drying out my eyes, it was as though I was trying to see through heavily fogged up windows. I was very thankful to have had Wayne there to drive us back that night!
Admittedly, this shot is very similar to two of Wayne’s shots that he’s already posted here and here, but with the conditions we had, these images were pretty hard to pass up. As Wayne said in his post, “it was so cool!” I’m always interested to see how two different photographers will approach capturing the same scene. There are so many variables and artistic choices we have when it comes to how we interpret a scene and translate it into the finished image.
To be honest, I like both of Wayne’s images better. His images always seem to have a certain elegance to them and I find he has a way of composing a little more dramatic, and engaging compositions that really pull you in. I always feel like I get my butt kicked when I’m out shooting with him, which is great because I’m always learning and being challenged. It really is a treat to be able to shoot with someone I’ve looked up to and been so inspired by.
I was shooting with my Nikon 14-24 mm lens (which is fantastic by the way!) for the first time on this trip, and since I haven’t yet purchased a filter system to work with it, I wasn’t able to use a ND grad to hold back the sky as I normally would. So, after coming up with a shutter speed that was capturing the blowing snow, I then had to shoot a couple of other under exposed frames for the sky and blend them together in processing. Because I knew I’d be bracketing like this, I also moved my focus to get the foreground nice and sharp in the first exposures then get the background in the later ones. Once I got into processing, I decided that the colour in the ice was not strong enough to contrast with the lack of colour in the sky very effectively so I went towards black and white. Here I was able to bring out lines of blowing snow against the dark ice and pull some of the shape drama out in the clouds. Thankfully, the sun was mostly obscured by the thick clouds, so I was able to hold a lot of the detail in the sky and the reflection in the ice was easier to manage. The last decision was to go with a blue tone to the image which I felt better conveyed the blowing cold that we felt there while we were shooting.
Thanks for looking, I hope you like this one!